Akty prawne Dziennik Urzędowy Unii Europejskiej - Seria L z dnia 31 grudnia 1992

Identyfikator Tytuł aktu
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.485 Additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement on trade in textile products between the European Economic Community and the Czech and Slovak Federal...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.461 Additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement on trade in textile products between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Poland - Agreed...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.391 Additional Protocol to the Europe Agreement on trade in textile products between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Hungary - Agreed...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.377 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Romania on trade in textile...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.337 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Bulgaria on trade...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.271 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay on...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.232 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Thailand on trade...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.220 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Democratic Socialist Republic...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.208 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.206 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.194 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Malaysia on trade in textile...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.180 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of India on trade in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.178 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.164 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Korea on trade in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.152 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Federative Republic of Brazil...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.137 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the People' s Republic of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.390.127 92/581/EEC: Commission Decision of 17 December 1992 concerning the specific financial contribution by the Community towards the eradication of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.125 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.390.124 Dyrektywa 92/108/EWG zmieniająca dyrektywę 92/12/EWG w sprawie ogólnych warunków dotyczących wyrobów objętych podatkiem akcyzowym, ich...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.103 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the People' s Republic of China on...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.91 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Peru on trade in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.89 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.81 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3929/92 of 19 December 1992 laying down for 1993 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.78 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3928/92 of 20 December 1992 establishing a NAFO pilot observer scheme applicable to Community fishing vessels operating...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.77 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of the Philippines on...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.73 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3840/92 of 28 December 1992 laying down certain additional detailed rules for the application of the supplementary...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.71 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3839/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3094/92 fixing the accession compensatory amounts for olive...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.68 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3838/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 643/86 laying down detailed rules for the application of the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.67 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3927/92 of 20 December 1992 laying down certain conservation and management measures for fishery resources in the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.67 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3837/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3812/90 laying down detailed rules for the application of the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.65 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3926/92 of 20 December 1992 allocating, for 1993, Community catch quotas in Greenland waters.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.65 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Indonesia on trade...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.63 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters replacing the exchanges of letters between the Community and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic on...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.63 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3925/92 of 20 December 1992 allocating, for 1993, certain catch quotas between the Member States for vessels fishing in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.63 92/598/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Portugal for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.62 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3836/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 641/86 laying down detailed rules for the application of the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.60 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3835/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3817/90 laying down detailed rules for the application of the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.59 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters replacing the exchanges of letters between the Community and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic on...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.58 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3834/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3816/90 laying down detailed rules for the application of the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.57 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the exchanges of letters between the Community and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.391.57 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3891/92 of 29 December 1992 amending Commission Regulation (EEC) No 859/89 laying down detailed rules for the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.57 92/597/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Spain for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.56 92/610/EEC: Council Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion of the Agreements in the form of exchanges of letters between the European...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.55 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3924/92 of 20 December 1992 laying down for 1993 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.54 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters replacing the Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community ('the Community') and...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.396.53 92/587/ECSC: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 28 December 1992 on certain...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.53 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Macao on trade in textile products...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.53 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3923/92 of 20 December 1992 allocating, for 1993, catch quotas between Member States for vessels fishing in Swedish...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.52 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters replacing the Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community ('the Community') and...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.396.51 92/586/ECSC: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 28 December 1992 on certain...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.51 92/596/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Greece for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.391.51 Rozporządzenie 3890/92 zmieniające środki w odniesieniu do stosowania wspólnej organizacji rynku mięsa baraniego i koziego wskutek zmiany niektórych...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.50 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3833/92 of 28 December 1992 determining the rate at which the components intended to ensure protection of cereals and...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.391.50 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3889/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3233/92 laying down detailed rules for...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.49 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3832/92 of 28 December 1992 abolishing security for STM licences applicable from 1 January 1993 to deliveries into...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.48 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community ('the Community') and...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.396.48 92/585/ECSC: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 28 December 1992 on certain...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.47 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3831/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 816/89 establishing the list of products subject to the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.47 92/609/EEC: Council Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion of the Agreements in the form of exchanges of letters between the European...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.46 Rozporządzenie 3830/92 w związku ze zniesieniem opłat celnych oraz stałych składników stosowanych w handlu między dziesięcioma państwami Wspólnoty a...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.46 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/92 of 20 December 1992 laying down for 1993 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.391.46 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3888/92 of 23 December 1992 establishing certain transitional provisions in the beef and veal sector pending the entry...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.396.46 92/584/ECSC: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community meeting within the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.405.45 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the People' s Republic of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.45 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3829/92 of 28 December 1992 laying down detailed rules for applying the supplementary mechanism applicable from 1993...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.45 92/595/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Denmark for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.44 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3828/92 of 28 December 1992 repealing Regulation (EEC) No 581/86 laying down detailed rules for the application of the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.44 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3921/92 of 20 December 1992 allocating, for 1993, certain catch quotas between Member States for vessels fishing in the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.405.44 92/606/EEC: Council Decision, of 30 December 1992, approving the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters amending the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.42 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3827/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 606/86 laying down detailed rules for applying the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.405.41 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3952/92, of 30 December 1992, amending Regulation (EEC) No 594/91 in order to speed up the phasing-out of substances that...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.399.41 Rozporządzenie 3944/92 wprowadzające system podwójnej kontroli w celu monitorowania niektórych wyrobów włókienniczych pochodzących z Bangladeszu
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.40 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3826/92 of 28 December 1992 amending the indicative ceilings fixed by Regulation (EEC) No 3810/91 in the framework of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.406.40 92/607/EEC: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 21 December 1992, concerning the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.399.39 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3942/92 of 23 December 1992 derogating from Regulations (EEC) No 19/82 and (EEC) No 3653/85 as regards imports of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.39 92/594/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Ireland for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.38 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3825/92 of 28 December 1992 fixing the quotas applying to imports into Spain of beef and veal products from third...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.36 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3920/92 of 20 December 1992 laying down for 1993 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.35 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3902/92 of 23 December 1992 setting detailed rules for granting financial compensation on certain fishery products.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.398.33 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3938/92 of 22 December 1992 laying down detailed rules for the application in the poultrymeat sector of Council...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.409.33 Council Directive 92/122/EEC of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Hellenic Republic to defer liberalization of certain capital movements pursuant to...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.409.31 Dyrektywa 92/115/EWG zmieniająca po raz pierwszy dyrektywę 88/344/EWG w sprawie zbliżenia ustawodawstw Państw Członkowskich dotyczących...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.403.30 92/604/Euratom: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Atomic Energy Community of the Agreement...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.398.29 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3937/92 of 22 December 1992 laying down detailed rules for the application in the pigmeat sector of Council Regulation...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.29 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3824/92 of 28 December 1992 amending the prices and amounts fixed in ecus as a result of the monetary realignment of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.399.29 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3942/92 of 22 December 1992 establishing a reference method for the determination of sitosterol and stigmasterol in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.29 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3901/92 of 23 December 1992 introducing detailed rules for granting carryover aid on certain fishery products.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.29 Decyzja 92/608/EWG ustanawiająca metody analizy i badania mleka poddanego obróbce termicznej, przeznaczonego do bezpośredniego spożycia przez ludzi
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.28 92/582/EEC: Council Decision of 14 December 1992 amending Decision 85/360/EEC on the restructuring of the system of agricultural surveys in Greece.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.27 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3823/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3016/78 laying down certain rules for applying conversion...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.27 92/592/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Italy for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.404.27 Makau-Europejska Wspólnota Gospodarcza. Umowa w sprawie handlu i współpracy. Luksemburg.1992.06.15.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.404.26 Decyzja 92/605/EWG dotycząca zawarcia Umowy o handlu i współpracy między Europejską Wspólnotą Gospodarczą a Makau
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.26 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3822/92 of 28 December 1992 fixing the agricultural conversion rates.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.26 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3900/92 of 23 December 1992 laying down the special rules of application for the Community import arrangements for...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.26 Council Directive 92/110/EEC of 14 December 1992 amending Directive 88/657/EEC laying down the requirements for the production of, and trade in,...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.25 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3910/92 of 30 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1471/88 as regards imports of sweet potatoes intended for uses...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.24 Rozporządzenie 3821/92 uchylające rozporządzenie (EWG) nr 3294/86 i zmieniające rozporządzenia (EWG) nr 1393/76, (EWG) nr 1780/89, (EWG) nr 2053/89,...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.24 Rozporządzenie 3899/92 zmieniające rozporządzenie (EWG) nr 3510/82 ustalające współczynniki przeliczeniowe mające zastosowanie do tuńczyka
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.23 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3898/92 of 23 December 1992 fixing the compensatory allowance for Mediterranean sardines of the species Sardina...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.23 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3909/92 of 30 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 430/87 concerning the import arrangements applicable to certain...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.22 Protocol of amendment to the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for Farming Purposes.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.22 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3897/92 of 23 December 1992 fixing the guaranteed minimum price for Atlantic sardines of the species Sardina...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.22 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3820/92 of 28 December 1992 on transitional measures for the application of the agrimonetary arrangements laid down in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.21 Decyzja 92/583/EWG w sprawie sporządzenia Protokołu zmian do Europejskiej Konwencji o ochronie zwierząt hodowlanych
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.21 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3908/92 of 19 December 1992 fixing, for 1993, certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources,...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.21 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3896/92 of 23 December 1992 fixing the amount of the flat-rate premium for certain fishery products during the 1993...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.398.21 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3936/92 of 30 December 1992 laying down detailed rules for implementing the import arrangements applicable to products...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.21 92/591/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Germany for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.403.20 Agreement between the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the Republic of Lithuania, of the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.398.20 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3935/92 of 30 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3855/89 laying down rules for implementing the import...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.20 92/624/ECSC: Commission Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community of the Agreement in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.19 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3916/92 of 19 December 1992 amending Regulations (EEC) No 3905/91 and (EEC) No 914/92 opening and providing for the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.19 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3907/92 of 19 December 1992 establishing, for 1993, certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.398.19 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3934/92 of 30 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1759/88 laying down detailed rules for implementing the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.19 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3895/92 of 23 December 1992 fixing the amount of the carry-over aid for certain fishery products for the 1993 fishing...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.19 92/623/ECSC: Commission Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community of the Agreement in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.403.19 92/603/EEC, Euratom: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the European...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.391.18 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3885/92 of 22 December 1992 on detailed rules for implementing the special arrangements for imports of butter from New...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.18 92/622/ECSC: Commission Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion on behalf of the European Coal and Steel Community of the Agreement in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.17 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3894/92 of 23 December 1992 fixing the standard values to be used in calculating the financial compensation and the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.17 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3906/92 of 19 December 1992 establishing, for 1993, certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.17 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3819/92 of 28 December 1992 on detailed rules for determining and applying the agricultural conversion rates.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.17 92/621/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the United Kingdom to apply a particular measure in accordance with Article 22 (12) (b)...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.409.17 Dyrektywa 92/114/EWG odnosząca się do zewnętrznych elementów wystających znajdujących się przed tylnym oblachowaniem kabiny w pojazdach kategorii N
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.16 92/620/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Kingdom of the Netherlands to apply particular measures in accordance with Article...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.15 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3818/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3210/89 laying down general rules for applying the supplementary...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.398.15 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3933/92 of 30 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3858/89 laying down detailed implementing rules for the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.15 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3915/92 of 19 December 1992 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas bound in GATT for...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.15 92/619/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to apply particular measures in accordance with Article 22...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.14 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Singapore on trade...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.14 92/618/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Italian Republic to apply a particular measure in accordance with Article 22 (12)...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.13 92/617/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing Ireland to apply particular measures in accordance with Article 22 (12) (a) and (b) of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.12 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3817/92 of 28 December 1992 laying down general rules for applying the supplementary trade mechanism to imports into...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.12 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3914/92 of 19 December 1992 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.396.12 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3918/92 of 28 December 1992 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas and ceilings for...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.12 92/616/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Kingdom of Spain to apply a particular measure in accordance with Article 22 (12)...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.403.11 Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Latvia on trade and commercial and economic cooperation.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.11 92/615/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Kingdom of Denmark to apply particular measures in accordance with Article 22 (12)...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.409.11 Dyrektywa 92/112/EWG w sprawie procedur harmonizacji programów mających na celu ograniczanie i ostateczną eliminację zanieczyszczeń powodowanych...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.10 Rozporządzenie 3816/92 dotyczące zniesienia w sektorze owoców i warzyw mechanizmów wyrównawczych oraz środków pokrewnych w handlu między Hiszpanią i...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.409.10 Rozporządzenie 3956/92 o zawarciu przez Europejską Wspólnotę Energii Atomowej Umowy między Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki, Japonią, Federacją Rosyjską...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.10 92/614/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany to apply a particular measure in accordance with Article...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.403.10 92/602/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Latvia...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.404.10 Dyrektywa 92/104/EWG w sprawie minimalnych wymagań w zakresie poprawy bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia pracowników odkrywkowego i podziemnego...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.9 Rozporządzenie 3815/92 w sprawie stosowania wspólnej ceny interwencyjnej oliwy z oliwek w Hiszpanii
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.9 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3893/92 of 23 December 1992 fixing the reference prices for fishery products for the 1993 fishing year.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.402.9 Decision No 2/92 of the EEC-EFTA Joint Committee on Common Transit of 24 September 1992 amending Appendix II to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.9 92/589/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Belgium for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.8 Agreement in the form of exchanges of letters concerning the extension of the duration of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related measures...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.8 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3913/92 of 17 December 1992 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.7 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3814/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 and introducing application in Spain of the sugar sector...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.7 92/613/EEC: Council Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion by the European Economic Community of an Agreement in the form of exchanges...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.404.7 Rozporządzenie 3949/92 w sprawie Organizacja kontroli kosztów pracy w przemyśle i sektorze usług
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.6 Rozporządzenie 3912/92 w sprawie kontroli przeprowadzanych we Wspólnocie w dziedzinie transportu drogowego i żeglugi śródlądowej z uwzględnieniem...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.405.6 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3951/92, of 29 December 1992, on the arrangements for imports of certain textile products originating in Taiwan.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.404.5 Council Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 3948/92 of 22 December 1992 adjusting the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials posted in...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.5 Agreement in the form of exchanges of letters concerning the extension of the duration of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related measures...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.5 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3905/92 of 17 December 1992 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas for certain fruits...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.4 92/612/EEC: Council Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion by the European Economic Community of an Agreement in the form of exchanges...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.409.3 Umowa ustanawiająca Międzynarodowe Centrum Nauki i Techniki. Moskwa.1992.11.27.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.390.3 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3842/92 of 17 December 1992 on the suspension of the import levy on sheepmeat and goatmeat sector products.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.3 Agreement on relations in the sea fisheries sector between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco - Protocol setting out fishing...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.3 92/588/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1992 on a multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of France for the period 1993 to 1996...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.2 Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Hong Kong on trade in textile...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.2 Agreement in the form of exchanges of letters concerning the extension of the duration of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related measures...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.403.2 Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Estonia on trade and commercial and economic cooperation.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.391.2 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3876/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 4007/87 extending the period referred to in Article 90 (1) and...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.409.1 Rozporządzenie 3955/92 w sprawie zawarcia w imieniu Europejskiej Wspólnoty Gospodarczej Umowy ustanawiającej Międzynarodowe Centrum Nauki i Techniki...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.393.1 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3903/92 of 21 December 1992 on air transport costs to be included in customs value.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.407.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3954/92 of 19 December 1992 on the conclusion of the Agreement on relations in the sea fisheries sector between the...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.402.1 Decision No 1/91 of the EEC-EFTA Joint Committee on Common Transit of 19 September 1991 amending Appendix I to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.387.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3813/92 of 28 December 1992 on the unit of account and the conversion rates to be applied for the purposes of the common...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.391.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3875/92 of 28 December 1992 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1799/87 on special arrangements for imports of maize and sorghum...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.401.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3946/92 of 19 December 1992 amending for the third time Regulation (EEC) No 4028/86 on Community measures to improve and...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.406.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3953/92 of 21 December 1992 concerning the arrangements applicable to the import into the Community of products...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.397.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3919/92 of 20 December 1992 fixing, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total allowable catches (TACs)...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.390.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3841/92 of 17 December 1992 relating to the continued import of New Zealand butter into the United Kingdom on special...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.392.1 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3892/92 of 23 December 1992 fixing, for the 1993 fishing year, the withdrawal and selling prices for fishery products...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.404.1 Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 3947/92 of 21 December 1992 amending the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.400.1 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3945/92 of 22 December 1992 amending the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 3846/87 establishing an agricultural product...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.396.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3917/92 of 21 December 1992 extending into 1993 the application of Regulations (EEC) No 3831/90, (EEC) No 3832/90, (EEC)...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.394.1 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3904/92 of 17 December 1992 on measures to adapt the profession of customs agent to the internal market.
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.410.1 92/625/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 on the provisional application of agreements between the European Economic Community and certain...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.403.1 92/601/EEC: Council Decision of 21 December 1992 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.408.1 92/611/EEC: Council Decision of 7 December 1992 concerning the conclusion by the European Economic Community of an Agreement in the form of exchanges...
Dz.U.UE.L.1992.395.1 Rozporządzenie 3911/92 w sprawie wywozu dóbr kultury

Zmiany w prawie

Darowizny dla ofiar powodzi z zerową stawką VAT

Można już stosować zerową stawkę VAT na darowizny dla ofiar powodzi - rozporządzenie w tej sprawie obowiązuje od 18 września, ale z możliwością stosowania go do darowizn towarów i nieodpłatnych usług przekazanych począwszy od 12 września do 31 grudnia 2024 r. Stawka 0 proc. będzie stosowana do darowizn wszelkiego rodzaju towarów lub usług niezbędnych do wsparcia poszkodowanych.

Monika Sewastianowicz 18.09.2024
Lewiatan: Za reformę płacy minimalnej będą musieli zapłacić pracodawcy

Projekt ustawy o minimalnym wynagrodzeniu jest słaby legislacyjnie. Nie tylko nie realizuje celów zawartych w unijnej dyrektywie, ale może przyczynić się do pogłębienia problemów firm i spadku zatrudnienia. Nie poprawi też jakości pracy w naszym kraju. Utrwala zwiększanie presji płacowej – uważa Konfederacja Lewiatan.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 10.09.2024
Od dziś ważna zmiana dla niektórych kierowców

Nowe przepisy, które zaczną obowiązywać od wtorku, 10 września, zakładają automatyczny zwrot prawa jazdy, bez konieczności składania wniosku. Zmiana ma zapobiegać sytuacji, w której kierowcy, nieświadomi obowiązku, byli karani za prowadzenie pojazdu, mimo formalnego odzyskania uprawnień.

Robert Horbaczewski 09.09.2024
Będą zmiany w ustawie o działaniach antyterrorystycznych oraz w ustawie o ABW oraz AW

Rząd przyjął we wtorek projekt przepisów, który dostosowuje polskie prawo do przepisów Unii Europejskiej, które dotyczą przeciwdziałania rozpowszechnianiu w Internecie treści o charakterze terrorystycznym. Wprowadzony zostanie mechanizm wydawania i weryfikowania nakazów usunięcia lub uniemożliwienia dostępu do takich treści. Za egzekwowanie nowych przepisów odpowiedzialny będzie szef Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego. Od jego decyzji będzie się można odwołać do sądu.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 03.09.2024
Ustawa o rencie wdowiej niekonstytucyjna?

O zawetowanie ustawy o tzw. wdowich emeryturach jako aktu dyskryminującego część obywateli zwróciła się do prezydenta Andrzeja Dudy jedna z emerytek. W jej przekonaniu uchwalona 26 lipca 2024 r. ustawa narusza art. 32 Konstytucji, ponieważ wprowadza zasady dyskryminujące dużą część seniorów. Czy prezydent zdążył się z nią zapoznać – nie wiadomo. Bo petycja wpłynęła do Kancelarii Prezydenta 6 sierpnia, a już 9 sierpnia ustawa została podpisana.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 31.08.2024
Nalewki już bez barwników, soków i dodatkowych aromatów

We wtorek, 20 sierpnia, zaczęły obowiązywać przepisy rozporządzenia ministra rolnictwa dotyczące znakowania napojów alkoholowych. Z uwagi na tradycyjne praktyki produkcyjne stosowane przy wyrobie "nalewek", nowe zasady wykluczają możliwość ich barwienia, aromatyzowania czy też dodawania do nich soków owocowych.

Krzysztof Koślicki 20.08.2024