Pytania pisemne skierowane przez posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego i odpowiedzi na te pytania udzielone przez instytucję Unii Europejskiej.

Pytania pisemne skierowane przez posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego i odpowiedzi na te pytania udzielone przez instytucję Unii Europejskiej

(2015/C 21/01)

(Dz.U.UE C z dnia 22 stycznia 2015 r.)

Treść Strona

E-002569/14 by Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris to the Commission

Subject: Preparation of a cyber-attack against North Korea

Versione italiana ............................................................................................................... 3

English version ................................................................................................................. 4

E-002648/14 by Marije Cornelissen to the Council

Subject: PCE/PEC - Involvement of the European Parliament in the European Semester

Nederlandse versie ............................................................................................................ 5

English version ................................................................................................................. 6

E-004567/14 by William (The Earl of) Dartmouth to the Commission

Subject: Emergency financing for Ukraine

English version ................................................................................................................. 7

E-004635/14 by Marc Tarabella to the Council

Subject: PCE/PEC - EU-Africa Summit

Version française .............................................................................................................. 8

English version ................................................................................................................. 9

E-005237/14 by Emma McClarkin to the Council

Subject: PCE/PEC - G8-Tanzania Transparency Partnerships on Lands and Extractives

English version ............................................................................................................... 10

(Versione italiana)

Interrogazione con richiesta di risposta scritta E-002569/14

alla Commissione

Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris (PPE)

(5 marzo 2014)

Oggetto: Preparazione di un attacco cibernetico contro la Corea del Nord

Alcuni media internazionali riferiscono che la Repubblica di Corea starebbe sviluppando un particolare software allo scopo di lanciare un attacco cibernetico contro le strutture nucleari della Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea. Le notizie arrivano direttamente dal ministero della Difesa sudcoreano, il quale afferma che, una volta sviluppato il software, verranno lanciati una serie di attacchi virtuali per inibire il funzionamento dei siti nucleari.

Il governo sudcoreano ha ripetutamente accusato Pyongyang di attaccare i propri siti web, ma un attacco di tale portata potrebbe sfuggire al controllo di Seoul, con conseguenze che potrebbero ripercuotersi anche su altre strutture nordcoreane o sulla stessa Repubblica di Corea.

Alla luce di quanto detto, può la Commissione chiarire se:

sia a conoscenza delle intenzioni della Repubblica di Corea;
intenda intervenire a livello diplomatico per impedire un nuovo casus belli tra i due paesi coreani e impedire le conseguenze impreviste di un simile attacco cibernetico;
si stia impegnando a livello internazionale per favorire lo sviluppo di un corpus giuridico internazionale condiviso che disciplini la guerra cibernetica, come ad esempio il manuale di Tallinn?

Risposta della Vicepresidente Mogherini a nome della Commissione

(17 dicembre 2014)

La Commissione è a conoscenza delle dichiarazioni ai media fatte dalla Repubblica di Corea, ma non dispone di informazioni specifiche sullo sviluppo di un software di guerra cibernetica da parte di quel Paese.
L'UE intrattiene con la Repubblica di Corea relazioni amichevoli che includono il dialogo sulle questioni cibernetiche. Nella loro dichiarazione in seguito al vertice del novembre 2013, la Repubblica di Corea e l'Unione europea hanno ribadito il loro impegno a favore di un ciberspazio aperto e sicuro per valorizzare pienamente il ruolo positivo dell'informatica e di internet nel promuovere lo sviluppo economico e sociale. Continueremo ad affrontare questioni come quella evocata nell'interrogazione nell'ambito di tale dialogo.
La Strategia dell'Unione europea per la cibersicurezza (pubblicata nel febbraio 2013) stabilisce chiare priorità per la politica internazionale dell'UE per il ciberspazio: preservare la libertà e l'apertura nel ciberspazio; elaborare regole di condotta e applicare le leggi internazionali vigenti nel ciberspazio; aumentare le capacità di cibersicurezza nei paesi terzi; promuovere la cooperazione internazionale in materia di ciberspazio.

(English version)

Question for written answer E-002569/14

to the Commission

Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris (PPE)

(5 March 2014)

Subject: Preparation of a cyber-attack against North Korea

Several international media outlets are reporting that South Korea is currently developing a particular item of cyber-warfare software that it intends to use against the nuclear facilities of North Korea. The reports have stemmed directly from the South Korean Ministry of Defence, which has confirmed that, once the software has been perfected, the country will launch a series of virtual attacks to prevent North Korean nuclear sites from operating.

The South Korean Government has repeatedly accused Pyongyang of attacking its own websites, but an attack of this magnitude could easily get out of Seoul's control and have damaging repercussions for other types of facilities, on both sides of the border.

Is the Commission aware of South Korea's intentions as set out above?
Does it intend to intervene on a diplomatic level in order to stop yet another act of war between the two countries from taking place, and also prevent the collateral damage that such a cyber-attack could cause?
Is it committed, on an international level, to promoting the development of an internationally applicable legal framework to govern cyber-warfare, such as the Tallinn Manual for example?

Answer given by Vice-President Mogherini on behalf of the Commission

(17 December 2014)

The Commission is aware of the media statements made by the Republic of Korea (RoK) but does not have specific information regarding the development of cyber-warfare software by RoK.
The EU has positive relations with RoK including dialogue on cyber issues. In their Summit Statement of November 2013, the ROK and EU underlined their commitment to a safe, open and secure Internet and cyberspace in order to maximise the positive role of ICT and of the Internet in promoting economic and social development. We will continue to address the types of concern in your question through this dialogue.
The EU Cyber Security Strategy (published in February 2013) sets out clear priorities for the EU international cyberspace policy: to preserve freedom and openness in cyberspace; to develop norms of behaviour and apply existing international law in cyberspace; to raise cybersecurity capacity in third countries; to foster international cooperation in cyberspace issues.

(Nederlandse versie)

Vraag met verzoek om schriftelijk antwoord E-002648/14

aan de Raad (Voorzitter Europese Raad)

Marije Cornelissen (Verts/ALE)

(6 maart 2014)

Betreft: PCE/PEC - Rol van het Europees Parlement in het Europees semester

Het Europees semester begint met de publicatie van de jaarlijkse groeianalyse (Annual Growth Survey - AGS), waarin de economische prioriteiten van de EU uiteen worden gezet. De Europese Raad publiceert zijn jaarlijkse richtsnoeren voor het economisch beleid op basis van dat document, dat door de Commissie wordt opgesteld. In de periode 2011-2013 werden de door de Commissie vastgestelde economische prioriteiten ongewijzigd overgenomen door de Europese Raad, de talrijke opmerkingen van het Parlement ten spijt.

In zijn resolutie van 25 februari 2014 over "Het Europees semester voor economische beleidscoördinatie: sociale en werkgelegenheidsaspecten in de jaarlijkse groeianalyse 2014", vraagt het Parlement om een interinstitutioneel akkoord dat ervoor zorgt dat het Parlement betrokken wordt bij de opstelling en goedkeuring van de AGS.

Hoe en wanneer zal de voorzitter gevolg gaan geven aan het verzoek van het Parlement om een interinstitutioneel akkoord waarmee voldoende democratische legitimiteit van het in het Europees semester gevolgde beleid gewaarborgd wordt?
Wat is volgens de voorzitter de beste manier om ervoor te zorgen dat het Parlement de facto de bevoegdheid krijgt om de economische prioriteiten die de Commissie in de jaarlijkse groeianalyse voorstelt te amenderen voordat ze door de Raad en de Europese Raad worden besproken?


(8 december 2014)

De vraag van het geachte Parlementslid valt buiten het bestek van de vragen met het beantwoorden waarvan de voorzitter van de Europese Raad heeft ingestemd in zijn brief van 2 februari 2011 aan de voorzitter van het Europees Parlement.

(English version)

Question for written answer E-002648/14

to the Council (President of the European Council)

Marije Cornelissen (Verts/ALE)

(6 March 2014)

Subject: PCE/PEC - Involvement of the European Parliament in the European Semester

The European Semester cycle starts with the publication of the Annual Growth Survey (AGS), in which the EU's economic priorities are outlined. The European Council issues its yearly economic policy guidance on the basis of this document, which is drafted by the Commission. In the period 2011-2013 the economic priorities set by the Commission have been endorsed by the European Council without changes, despite Parliament's numerous comments.

In its resolution of 25 February 2014 on 'The European Semester for economic policy coordination: Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Growth Survey 2014', Parliament calls for an interinstitutional agreement in order to involve Parliament in the drafting and approval of the AGS.

How and when is the President going to follow up on Parliament's request to enter into an interinstitutional agreement in order to ensure sufficient democratic legitimacy of the policies pursued in the European Semester?
In the President's view, what is the best way to ensure that Parliament has the de facto power to amend the economic priorities proposed by the Commission in the Annual Growth Survey before they are discussed by the Council and the European Council?


(8 December 2014)

The question put by the Honourable Member falls outside the scope of the questions which the President of the European Council agreed to reply to in his letter of 2 February 2011 addressed to the President of the European Parliament.

(English version)

Question for written answer E-004567/14

to the Commission

William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD)

(11 April 2014)

Subject: Emergency financing for Ukraine

Was this level of expenditure anticipated when the budget was originally drawn up, perhaps in a contingency line? If it was not anticipated, where will the financing be found?

Answer given by Mr Moscovici on behalf of the Commission

(9 January 2015)

Macro-financial assistance (MFA) being exceptional in nature and mobilised by the Union on a case-by-case basis to help partner countries experiencing a balance-of-payments crisis, individual MFA operations cannot be anticipated and therefore also not budgeted.

In the case of Ukraine, MFA takes the form of long-term loans, for which the EU borrows the funds in capital markets and lends them on to beneficiary countries, under the same financial terms.

The budgetary impact of a loan is 9% of the amount disbursed, which is provisioned in the 'Guarantee Fund for External Actions'. A global budget is foreseen for this Guarantee Fund. This budget is being used gradually as loans to third countries materialize.

(Version française)

Question avec demande de réponse écrite E-004635/14

au Conseil (Président du Conseil européen)

Marc Tarabella (S&D)

(14 avril 2014)

Objet: PCE/PEC - Sommet UE-Afrique

Accords de partenariat économique, compétences de la Cour pénale internationale, droits des homosexuels ... Africains et Européens ne sont pas d'accord sur tout, loin s'en faut.

Le Président estime‐ ]t‐ ]il avoir obtenu de réelles avancées dans ces trois dossiers précis?
Que retire‐ ]t‐ ]il de ce sommet?


(8 décembre 2014)

La question posée par l'Honorable Parlementaire ne relève pas des questions auxquelles le Président du Conseil européen est convenu de répondre, eu égard à sa lettre du 2 février 2011 au président du Parlement européen.

(English version)

Question for written answer E-004635/14

to the Council (President of the European Council)

Marc Tarabella (S&D)

(14 April 2014)

Subject: PCE/PEC - EU-Africa Summit

Africa and the EU are at odds over a whole manner of issues, including economic partnership agreements, the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and gay rights.

Does the President believe that any real progress has been made on these three topics?
What has he learnt from the summit?


(8 December 2014)

The question put by the Honourable Member falls outside the scope of the questions which the President of the European Council agreed to reply to in his letter of 2 February 2011 addressed to the President of the European Parliament.

(English version)

Question for written answer E-005237/14

to the Council (President of the European Council)

Emma McClarkin (ECR)

(23 April 2014)

Subject: PCE/PEC - G8-Tanzania Transparency Partnerships on Lands and Extractives

Two new G8-Tanzania Transparency Partnerships on Lands and Extractives were launched ahead of the G8 summit held in Northern Ireland in June 2013. As well as increasing transparency and accountability in the management and use of natural resources so as to ensure that benefits are widely shared amongst all Tanzanian citizens, they are also designed to strengthen the security of tenure rights of all landholders and to improve the transparency of large-scale land deals. The intention is that this will attract increased foreign and national private-sector investment.

However, I have been made aware by some of my constituents that pressure has been put on foreign investors who own land in Tanzania, including intimidation, meaning that they live in fear of losing their land.

Given that the European Council and the Commission are both represented in the G8 (now G7), can the President of the European Council tell me whether it is aware of these pressures on foreign investors in Tanzania, and whether it believes that this contravenes the partnerships established in 2013?

Can the President of the European Council raise these issues with the Tanzanian Government so as to ensure that foreign landowners do not have to live in fear that their land will be taken from them?


(8 December 2014)

The question put by the Honourable Member falls outside the scope of the questions which the President of the European Council agreed to reply to in his letter of 2 February 2011 addressed to the President of the European Parliament.

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